Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas

May your day be filled with family, fun and happiness...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day 24

Yesterday... yeah well what can I say yesterday was a shocker!
figured it deserved its own day...
So it's day is the 24th but I made sure to add the right date on there...
I was so not going to displace Nana from her day!

Friday, December 23, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day 22 & 23

And its getting closer and closer now to Christmas... 
just two days left now of my 25 days album...
I have to say I am feeling really rather pleased with myself...
Okay so its not your normal type Christmas album, but then what is normal for me?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day 21

and today is a special day in that it's my Mum's birthday... so even though I nearly fluffed up a couple of times and created a page with this photo before I managed to NOT stuff up completely and expose her present before she actually opened it! And since she has been following my journey with the 25 days well I wouldn't have wanted to spoil the surprise like... so yeah Go me...

Very happy to announce that she loved it... loved the fact I made it for her... that the green beads match her new lazy girl chair and from all accounts is really rather comfortable to use... so yeah go me again!

Happy Birthday Mum... Love you big time...

Have had a couple of nights filled with sleepovers... Anya had a friend over last night and now its Dannielle's turn... okay so there has been a little bit of late night (well for them anyway) chatter but now thankfully all is quiet... well except for the racket the cat is making outside...


25 days of Christmas - Day 20

With just four days left now till the big day we are in kick back, wind down mode here...
Check out the Christmas crazies... 
okay so the water was a whole heap on the chilly side at only 19 degrees so needless to say they 
didn't stay in very long... they spent longer like this than they did in the water...

My two girlies and their friend Sophie...

How are you doing with your 25 Days of Christmas albums?
I'm stoked to have got so far without flaking out... just needed a little bit of preparation
and Suzanne from Roadside Designs awesome templates...
Have you been collecting them as she has been giving them out?
If you missed them or missed out on some... never fear she will have them in her shoppe soon!


Monday, December 19, 2011

25 days of Christmas - Day 18 & 19

Day 18
My little chick full out concentrating on the wii game... it was just me and D at home so we had a bit of a wii challenge... some I beat her but on the whole the little chick whipped butt...

Day 19
and show me some crimson flowers on the beautiful New Zealand Christmas tree...

Seriously pleased with myself for getting this far through... with just a few days left to go now...
HUGE thanks go to Suzanne at Roadside Designs for the awesome templates...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Printing question answered...

In one of my recent blog posts I got asked what size these pages are...

the template is sized at 8 x 8 which is fantastic cause normally I end up reducing all my pages from 12 x 12 down to this size... so this is a score for me... the reason I print my pages at 8 x 8 is purely for cost reasons... ever try print a photo book at 12 x 12 and you find out really quick like that it's not cheap...
though I do have to add that by printing them at the smaller size they also fit much neater on the bookshelf I have for them... and if you happen to be gifting them to someone else they are much cheaper to post around the country/world...

Where do I get them done?
Well I found this site they are based in Hong Kong and I love their printing... and they often have awesome offers which helps reduce the cost too!  There has only ever been one page that I wasn't really keen on printed up... but I didn't stress about it since "I" had run a action over the photo which when printed came up a bit orangey... NOT enough to melt down over that's for certain!

I love the quality of their books from the binding right through to the printing... and the site is easy to use...
if anyone wants to sign up (and would like to help you and me get free goodies) let me know and I will send you a referral...

And yes I will be using ArtsCow to print the 25 days of Christmas pages up... why change a good thing?
Hope that helps some...

25 days of Christmas - Day 17

Well you had to know sooner or later food was going to be featured... 
I mean seriously a girl can't have a voluptuous figure like mine without working on it!
and what better way than with Raspberries and Cheesecake!

Now how is that for torture at 8.30 in the morning!
Now I want some... but don't have any...

Friday, December 16, 2011

25 days of Christmas - Day 14-16

I have to say I am really proud of myself... for not fizzling out on this project... and I think I know why...
Suzanne's templates make it so easy to create a simply gorgeous page... and by having pre chosen a select number of kits or element packs to work with all I really have to think about is the photos...

And with two gorgeous models aka as my daughters well its NOT hard to find photos either...

speaking of which check out my leggy first born...
she's only 10 but easily stands shoulder height to me...
before I know it she will be towering over me...
should be used to that though with tall parents and even taller brothers!

I am thrilled to bits that both my girls were happy to get a Santa photo taken this year...
Have had one done each year... even appearing in a few of them myself when they were much younger...

And check out their new shoes... naturally there had to be some bling involved for both of them...

Don't forget that Suzanne is still giving away a page a day over on her blog
but if you have missed out and haven't got the whole set she will have it up for sale soon...

Hop on over and say hi to Suzanne and check out her gorgeous designs...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Catching up on posting my December Daily pages...

Tucked up under the Christmas tree...

Favourite Santa ornament

New family photos...
Girls with their teachers...


Sunday, December 11, 2011

One little word 2012

Spent the day with some good friends and their two kids today...

I love how rejuvenated I feel right now...
and I have to say I am super blessed to have such amazing friends with huge amounts of talent...
I now have some amazing new photographs of my darling girls and I also have a wonderful piece of recycled wood art which embraces my "one little word" for 2012

My word is... Hope

Today I am with Hope...

Will post a photo or two from today here tomorrow...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day Eight

I have a new tradition in the making here... handing the camera over to the girls to take a photo of each other and together at some stage during the month of December... I love how they see things and aren't afraid to try something a little different...

Both the girls asked the other night if they could borrow my camera to take some photos of each other... you have already seen a combined effort involving a mirror... well this is one D took of Anya... and quite simply I adore it! so naturally it had to make it into my December Daily...

Thursday, December 08, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day seven

not only two posts in one day
but two pages posted
and I am seven days into the 25 days!
Go me!

And I think I know the reason why...

First up Suzanne from Roadside Designs creates awesome easy to use templates
and I am NOT stressing over trying to pick papers and elements fresh and new each day...
I have found a few old fave kits and added some new bits here and there and I have to say I am loving the result! And best of all NOT feeling stressed at all!

enjoy and don't forget to go visit Suzanne's blog each day in the lead up to Christmas and pick up your own album templates for free!!!! Suzanne will be putting them in her shop soon as well... if you just can't wait or have missed a few...
so never fear you can get them all one way or another...

Now I might just have to go and get some shut eye though since one of those wham moments has just struck...

Night night all...

25 Days of Christmas - Day six

Well yesterday seemed to be one of those days that is sent to try your patience and then... then if you are really really really lucky it really tosses something nasty at you...

mine yesterday was a hugely swollen left hand ring finger... the whole lower joint was swollen so badly it wasn't funny... bigger than it had gotten the four days previously and after much muttering every single time I hit said finger I decided to haul my tootie to the Dr's to be told what I already knew, given the script for antibiotics and then charged $40 for the pleasure! And that's not including the script that I may yet have to go back and get a repeat for...

Apparently you should if you wear gloves (think gardening, dishwashing etc) change them regularly... I mean I thought I was doing the right thing and preventing dirt born bugs from getting at me... apparently gloves harbour even nastier germies... and considering gardening is NOT one of my all time favourite things to do... do you see how it might make me think again about gardening...

and I have to say between the infection and the antibiotic given to get rid of it I feel like I have been sucker punched... do okay... get a few things done and then wham... and have to drag my sorry butt off for a Nana Nap! Darn it all I am NOT a Nana!!!!! Well not just yet anyways!

I did get this page done though... just one of those wham moments happened and I didn't get round to posting it yesterday...

I'm loving the photos... might just have to get them printed off and framed up...

Sahlin Studio

Paper – Brown Paper Pack

Tape – Washi Tape

cherpea designs

White Paper – My christmas (retired)

Lisa Sisneros

Number Stamp – Cracked2 alpha

Font – Saint Nicholas


Branch, paper snowflake, hanging bell – Falala (retired)

Red paper - Wondrous

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

If you are a digiscrapper and love gorgeous papers

then you really need to go check this out...

The uberly talented Lynne-Marie has an awesome offer on right now!
Remember the page with little Miss D? Well that was created using these amazing papers and elements... and hey at this price and with these offers well you would be crazy to not pick them up!

Click on the image below to go straight to Lynne-Marie's store...

Available at this great offer for a limited time only...

I haven't just been scrapping the days of December though...

I have been fitting other pages in as well... right along side all the stuff Mama's have to do anyway...

Credits -
Pink Reptile Designs (guest) @ PickleberryPop
Paper, flower, frame, mesh, ribbon, stitching, scatter - So Chic

Darcy Baldwin @ Sweetshoppe Designs

Font – DJB Angel Baby


Lynne-Marie @ Catscrap

Paper, border, tape – Unwritten (Papers and Elements)

Font – CK Ali’s Hand

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day five

How could anyone not be happy with peony's and a fruit plate to greet you on a hot summers morning...

Loving the abundance of relatively cheap fresh fruit available again... makes for yummy breakfasts...

Templates from Roadside Designs (25 Days of Christmas Album), Brown Papers from Sahlin Studio, number from Lisa Sisneros, Bell, tape and star from FaLaLa (retired) by creashens, Flower Ashalee Wall


Monday, December 05, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day four

Another day closer to Christmas... another photograph taken... another memory recorded...

Sunday, December 04, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day three

Well so far so good... and I have been making sure to pick up my camera each day and find something that talks to me about Christmas and the month of December as a whole...

Though I really did prove to be a dummy yesterday... my cousin Pat and her hubby Wals come to visit with their grandbaby Brooklyn and Wals' mum Jean... do you think I remembered to pick up the camera then? No dang it all! I hadn't seen Pat and Wals in what feels like a lifetime... so it was really good to see them again... if only it could have been a longer visit and I had remembered to catch it on camera!


Friday, December 02, 2011

December Daily

I have decided to try documenting December this year...

it doesn't hurt that the fabulously talented Suzanne from Roadside Designs has a fantastic 25 days of Christmas template available again... she's giving away a page each day (except for the first day which is up now and has the covers and first page available)...
Also doesn't hurt that being on her CT means I have the whole kit and kaboodle already... have

even picked out a series of papers, elements etc to add to it... planning on keeping it very

simple... and here's a peek at what I have done so far...

Front cover

Back cover

Day 1

Day 2

So what are you waiting for... quick head on over to Suzanne's BLOG... there's the link to the first pages... don't delay though since when the new one goes up the previous one comes down and won't be available till Suzanne adds it to her store... then you can buy it...