Friday, September 18, 2009

Tracy said I had to ...

hurry up and blog again so guess what here I am... hee hee girlie now you got something to read huh??? but the question surely is... will it be worth it?

So we obviously made it home okay...okay so buggered would be a much better word... while we had been able to get something vaguely resembling sleep on the outbound flights... the inbound flights well sleep proved to be more than just a little elusive... do you know how many movies its possible to watch between Milan and New Zealand?
Go on take a guess I would have to as well since they all started running into each other... and drat it all even with a mostly empty plane from Malpensa thru to Dubai do you think we managed to get upgraded thru to business which was as empty as coach! NOPE NOT LIKELY!!!!! though we did get to move to where ever we chose in coach...

Mind we did get a really nice room in Dubai for a few hours sleep, a real loo and a lovely shower that also had a tap that ran at the same time the shower did... and at 1 am in the morning local time (Dubai) I wasn't really worrying too much about that... more concerned that I would never be able to get to sleep in the 35 degree heat that thankfully was controlled very well by the air conditioner set at 12 degrees! So well in fact that I had to reach down for blankets during the night! well if you could call a four hour sleep night that is!
The really funny thing though about the hotel was that instead of a pair of queen size beds which I guess you would expect to find in most hotel rooms it was a pair of SINGLES instead... and no there was no way on this planet Chris was going to convince me to squeeze up together in a single bed... heee hee and then about 10 minutes after I finally crawled into bed the thought crossed my mind of the group of men that had been in the check in line at the hotel before us... three men... one room... and whats the bet they got singles too! that might have come as somewhat more of a shock to them than it did to us! hee hee...

4 airports, 4 security checks, one explosives test (for the Mr) at Sydney no less... he reckons they thought he had an explosive personality! hahahahahaha don't fret at the time I didn't laugh either! and we were back home in the land of the long white cloud with our girls... I nearly said baby girls there but that they aren't anymore... and yes we got some rather amusing emails from them while we were away...
Thankfully Mum and Dad were staying for another week since I spent the better part of two days and nights snoozing while Mr went bravely back to work... hah more like he wanted to get over his jet lag in relative peace and quiet! We have of course been flat out catching up with a huge amount of things since our return... which has resulted in the delay in getting back here...

and no I haven't forgotten that I have yet to add the last few days of our holiday to the blog... spent in Fuipiano... high in the hills near well if you can call and hours drive up a really winding think hairpin winding road from anything vaguely resembling a large town... well you get the idea... Totally stunning place... very very scenic... great food at the hotel too.... mmmm I can still recall with perfect clarity the glorious croissants fresh baked every morning and the melt in your mouth Salmon served up with a salad with everything freshly picked from their garden and all washed down with a bottle of Moretti beer... mmmmm

Now if you are the scrappy type the digi scrappy type that is you might want to check out my new kit fresh in the store tonight... Toscana... yep you got it inspired by the beautiful Tuscan countryside we recently explored... and not by the typical terracotta but by the gorgeous greens found in the olive groves and vineyards that are quite simply everywhere... the rich browns of the earth and the ever present aged metal that you see everywhere from door knockers to embellishments for verandahs ... go on you know you want it... go check it out while its on special... 25% off for 24 hours... so don't think about it too long...

find it here or simply click on any of the above images to be taken straight to my store...

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