Bento...$2 Tuesday... and getting something done!
Yep I finally feel like I am getting something done...
this past week with bugs invading me was not the best week out... though I did still manage to get quite a bit done... finished off a little somethin... something that will be appearing in a couple of weeks... and will be quite the deal...
Bento... who knew it was so easy? I was surfing the net the other night as you do... wandering aimlessly around when I spy a linkie on a blog that I was nosey enough to explore... anyway the linkie led me to a site about making Bento boxes for kids school lunches! The girlies happened to be up still and passed by and were quickly sucked into exploring too... Then came the inevitable...
"Mum do you think you could make Bento too?" Well I didn't really see why not... so today they are off to school with a "Plastic fantastic little round box" full of yummy goodies... even a rice ball with a little piggy face on it! Now its just wait and see if they like it... the funny thing was I figured it was going to take forever to create... and we all know how mornings are trying to get your kids out the door to school ...
and its Tuesday again... which means there are only three more days of school (not including today) and there is a trip to the dump shoved in there too... hopefully the weather report reads right this time and that the weather gods do actually read the met service site and co-operate with us!
But I am rambling again... what is so great about Tuesdays is that there are bargains to be had at
Click on the name of the item to be taken to the store...
(posting in a different browser and its not letting me do things like I normally do for some reason...)

there's only a couple of days left in June to enter the draw for a $5 gift cert to spend in my store... purchase anything and you go into the draw...
Labels: $2 Tuesday, bento, ramblings