taken some new me photos! Looks like that may be today or Monday after I get the kiddos off to school for the first time this year!
Which by the way is something that we are all looking forward to! Anya especially is keen to get back to school and be learning new things, playing with friends and making lots of new ones!
D, well she would be quite happy staying at home! Though I know when she does actually get there she will love it and wanna keep going back for more. And she can for the first two days at least, then they both have the day off for Waitangi Day and then its back into it till Easter.
This first term, this year is a bit broken up with all these days off in the middle of it! Mind that could turn out to be a huge bonus in the not too distant future.
We are having a lunch time visit today from my Aunty and Uncle who are down visiting their son Craig here at the moment, can't wait haven't seen them in what seems like forever! Will be good to catch up with them all again.
I haven't been able to share some of the pages I have been working on lately till just now! See they were pretty much all using new goodies from the wonderfully talented Miss Megan and Miss Sharon...
But since its now Feb, and the grab bags are out, which by the way you really do need to go and grab quickly if you are a digi scrapper! STUNNING is a very good descriptor for them both, so very much worth it, trust me you will kick yourself later if you don't go grab them!
I will even give you a linkie to them in the shoppe ...
Grab them right here!!!! Don't miss out!
Credits hereMum and Dad recently spent 19 days here with us as you know, next visit will hopefully be soon and hopefully be a little longer too! But while they were here I took the opportunity to grab some photos... okay there are still more than a few I am still working on!
But who knew this not working a paid full time job and doing house type stuff would leave you so little time to get things done! Heck its not like I am one of those ladies who lunch or anything!
Anyway I digress, I do have a couple of shares for you today! Love the above page cause it shows 3 generations of us! Gotta love that! Would have been brilliant to get my Nana in there as well, but to do that would have meant a trip to Whangarei...
Credits hereand one of my big girlie, there is actually a big smile brewing on her face there ... And don't you just love that white paper? I know I do, THANK YOU so much Miss Megan!