Saturday, May 23, 2009

So if you have visited ... you will know I have been on a bit of a designing kick lately... that and pages with no photos!!!! and RECIPE cards...

yep in my efforts to become a domestic goddess I am also attempting to become a little more organised... that and the fact that I have a tiny kitchen and NO space whatsoever to have huge cook books around while I am trying to cook... thus the little 6 x 4 recipe cards have come about...

Here are a few I have created lately... using mostly my own designs too... gotta love it... and another big plus is that I have tried these out and they are easy to make... and YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!

Now I have to say when we were kids we only ever knew the following slice as Lousy Cake... but I tell ya there is nothing at all LOUSY about this slice! MMMM moreish...


Friday, May 22, 2009

Okay so you guessed it ...

I got busy again... hah whats new ... so first up I have some previews of new goodies I have out today over at

We have had the crappiest weather imaginable the last three days... rain, sleet, hail... wind chill plunging already miserably cold temps below zero...

NOT fun at all, at all... now I am sorry but before my fingers fall off from being frozen to the bone here in my NOT warm office I am going to leave this and go do some baking! Prove for once and for all I AM a domestic goddess!!!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Its Sale time... but wait there's more...

thats right we are celebrating (Inter) National Scrapbooking day at with a 30% off sale... including New Releases...

from 6pm (Australian EST) May 1 to 6pm (Australian EST) May 3

So do you want to see my RGB goodness for this week along with some frames and bits lovingly rescued by me for your scrapping pleasure... and if that wasn't enough then how bout some recipe card templates... and you can find them all right here!




Frames 'N' Bits

Recipe Cards
And just to top everything off quite nicely thank you very much the Two Little Pixels newsletter is out today and I have a wee hybrid tutorial in there!
And to celebrate the fact I have my Know Your Times hubrid projects
priced at a whopping 50% off... now is the time to act if you have kiddos needing to learn their times tables...
You can find all these yummy goodies and more by following the link
So what are you waiting for? Let's go shopping...