Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Man I would have to be the luckiest...

scrapper in the world!!!!!!!!

I as you know am on a few CT's, which totally rocks my socks off! They are all so dang talented and I seriously have to wonder how I got so dang lucky to be asked to join them!

Well one of my lovely lady bosses in MiYon Richardson aka Scarlet Heels Media, and she is very generously from now till NSD giving away a freebie a day!

Now for those of you who aren't familiar with her, Mi is so rocking my world with her ROCKTASTIC alphas!

Wanna grab a freebie yourself? Go visit her at and be nice and leave her some loving!

And when you are done there, go check out her shop at she got some rockin alphas tucked away there!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yayyy its working, here's some pages for your ...

viewing pleasure...

the D girl took the photo on the first one here at Waiuta. Totally love it, I swear that girl is a born photographer!

Credits here

I swear the best thing I have bought camera wise has turned out to be the tiniest little thing! What is it you ask? A remote shutter release thats what! I got these photos with it at Waiuta, loving them!

Credits here

Credits here

Credits for Me and You here

Credits for "I believe I can fly"

So I have been kept just a bit on the ...

busy side. Life got just a little busy there for a wee bit again, heck whats surprising about that round here?

Two shoots, both completely different but both fun to do. Some scrapping fitted in there as well as creating some beaded works of art!
Which has reminded me I need to get some photos of some of the earrings etc I will be selling... Will post some photos here on the blog when I can and if you are interested in any of them just email me.

And for the last three mornings I have been helping out at the girls school, blasting softdrink bottle rockets skywards. The kids had a fantastic time, I ended up soaking wet from the knees down each time I went to help, but boy was it fun! Hearing the kids shouting with joy and the huge smiles on their faces! Even the little tough nuts were as excited as an excited thing!

Okay I was going to add some pages to the post but blogger is not playing nice at the moment. I will come back soon and try again.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Oh what a night!

I had a hugely successful night last night and if you want to see the images you will have to follow this link right here (a wee note for family, follow the link it will be worth it!)

3 Acceptances (kinda like second place) and an Honours and Champion Image in its class which was moods! My honours image was entitled "In Reflection".

I love this shot of my MIL Sue, so natural, teee heee she didn't even know I took it until after I had already done it! And another surprise for her in the fact that she didn't know I entered it! See Mum told ya it was a good shot!

Will be back later hopefully with some more pages for your viewing pleasure... see ya round.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Plans change so dang quickly...

especially when you have kiddos running round! Mama's will know exactly what I mean, how one minute you can have things all lined up ready to go for the day and then the very next second all those plans get thrown out with the dishwater!

And that kinda sums up my day today! I had a whole list of things that I needed to do today and that whole list got promptly ditched with the little girl saying "Mama I am gonna do a sickie!" and then promptly doing it! Sadly all over the floor, thankfully it was the floor in the bathroom which hasn't got carpet down. See how fast a Mama can move when she hears those words! The girlie had been sitting at the table getting ready to have breakfast.

So anyway my plans for the day got changed rapidly so now I get to stay home and do lots of jobs here instead! One of them being updating the bloggie! Hee hee I might just frighten someone blogging twice in a matter of a few days!

Oh and I have a page or two to share with you all.

First up is an updated family photo! I managed to get one while we were visiting the Coast at Easter. There is an abandoned township there called Waiuta, right up till the early 50s they mined gold there, then the mining company pulled out and the village all but emptied out! Its a great place to wander around. And since I had my remote shutter release and tripod with me I figured why not put it to some use and get an updated family shot! Okay there were grumblings from the man but he got over it soon enough!

Credits here

and the second one is one that I haven't posted anywhere yet, I created it super quick with one of [ksharonkdesigns] fantastic simple sets. Sharon includes a quickpage in there along with a template. Sometimes its just about getting the photos recorded and doing it with style and quickly! Sharons simple sets sure make that easy to do!

The photos were taken in December at Anatoki Eels, just out of Takaka. I swear those girls would have bought a bunny home each if we hadn't of stood our ground!

The D girl at dancing, isn't she a doll?
Credits here

And us! the short girl took this photo and yes she did crop it interestingly, but I love it.

Credits here