Monday, August 20, 2007

Random mutterings

I have to share this, its a page for the D girls book, photos are taken one year apart! Scary huh, just how grown up she has got all of a sudden!

Credits can be found here

Credits for this page right here

And here is one for Miss A's book, doesn't she just look so grown up, and notice I even did the good Mama thing and put some curlies in her otherwise perfectly straight hair! Now that has got to nail me the good Mama award surely!

credits here

and last but by no means least in this image heavy post ... remember the other day when I said I was cleaning and I couldn't stop? Well even that ended up on a page! Tee hee.

And here it is for all the world to see and giggle over!

credits here

Friday, August 10, 2007

HELP me .... I'm cleaning and I can't stop!!!!

Okay so those of you who know me really well know that I HATE cleaning! A totally pointless exercise especially in a house with two young children!

Okay so don't go imagining we live in a pig sty either!!! Cause that ain't the case!

Okay so the house is normally lived in and I do the need too's each day but the cleaning I am talking about is enough to get me wondering if I am ill! Okay so I know I am so NOT pregnant! That would be more than a bit of a worry if I was and it would mean I would have a really valid complaint about a surgeon! Tee hee ....

I have seen some of the papers for the kit that Lauren Reid is designing for me, and for sale of course as my prize for winning her "Design your dream kit" competition.

And I just have to say they simply ROCK!!!!!! Keep an eye out here and over at ScrapArtist for its release ... It is so going to be worth picking up! You all are just going to have to trust me on that!

And talking scrapping, I am loving challenges at the moment and this page below was in response to a challenge issued by Laurie (need2create) at ScrapArtist. I have to say I am loving the page, not normally one to be infront of the camera I made a special effort to get some photos of myself that I was happy with. This page has but one of them on.

Credits can be found here

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The big girl is 2190 days old

Today is my big girls birthday, and as the title suggests she is a whole two thousand one hundred and ninety days old otherwise known as 6!

Here are a few photos from this morning. Some of her presents, Nana and Grandad Bus gave her that coolio basket for her bike.
Guess who has to wheel her bike to school later so she can ride it home! The barbie horse she got from us (along with some other bits) will be taking pride of place in the basket along with Glee one of Barbies friends from her new movie. Which was also in her stash of goodies this morning, and will no doubt be watched as soon as she gets home from school this afternoon.

Anya and her horse outside her classroom.

The mighty steed who incidentally has two heads, each with different coloured manes.
Have to remind the girl that typically horses heads do not come off like that, and tails normally can not be removed from horses bottoms quite as easily as this one does!
and the beautiful basket which will later carry the mighty steed home in, who will after all have spent the whole day at school and will no doubt be tired out!

And of course there will be dinner out with Nana Pea later tonight. Its a double whammy celebration tonight as Nana Pea also celebrates her birthday today too!

Happy Birthday Anya and Mum P

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Have you ever wished for something good to ...

happen? Only to find that it does actually happen!

So how do you think you would react if this thing you really wished actually did happen?

Jump for joy, screaming excitedly, doing a crazy happy dance the whole time? Well I know that is what would happen for me! How do I know? WELL it did! Happen that is.

Okay totally cryptic there but read on and it will make some sense, well I hope it will anyway.

So you know how if you are interested in any particular kind of hobby that there is someone who's creations you really admire and often respect. Well its certainly no different for me! Pretty much as soon as I started digi scrapping I found out about Michelle Coleman. I swear that girl is so dang talented! Well I think so anyways, and apparently so do lots of other people.

The story goes like this, I was cruising scrapping sites looking for inspiration the other day and saw this amazing page by a scrapper whose user name is Denali. Another totally talented scrapper, and naturally I left praise for her, the page was simply stunning so why wouldn't you? After all it can totally make a persons day. Well this turned into a mutual praise session since while I was leaving her praise she was doing the same for me.

Then I found another of her pages which had just won a competition and left a message on the blog congratulating her on her win, part of the comment was in reaction to something that she had said on her page about how awesome it would be to have a comment left by Michelle Coleman, well who wouldn't love having a comment left on your work by someone who you admire?

Well today it happened for me. THE Michelle Coleman left me a comment on a page of mine!!!!

So yes you could colour me very happy right now! It's seriously such a good feeling!

Wanna see the page Michelle added three little words to that has completely made my day.

And if you are at all interested in seeing Michelle's comment follow this link here

And if by any strange chance that Michelle does actually read this, then all I want to say is thank you so much!