Monday, March 28, 2011

I thought I said Enough already?!?!?!?!

As you can see from the page below we have had a few rather interesting weeks...

Dannielle had an accident on the playground at school... a rather slow trip to the hospital in an ambulance ensued... one very lovely Dr (thanks Dr Fran)... untold specialists... 6 x-rays later... two different neck braces to be worn until seeing the Spine Injury Specialist ... a huge number of limitations on what she could and couldn't do... (think NOT much at all and you are about right!)

Well today was her appointment with the Spine Injury Specialist over at Burwood Hospital... those of you who know Christchurch know that its on the whole other side of the city from us here... and the appointment was at 9:10am!!!! We made it by leaving shortly after 7am with plenty of time to spare... wasn't at all sure how the traffic would be after the earthquake and all... though I do have to say I was rather glad that I left early... we got seen straight away and were out of the hospital again shortly after her appointment had been made for...

Thankfully she has got to take the brace shown off and its replaced with her soft sleeping collar that sits under her chin... she has to wear that till she sees the specialist again... the big score is though that she can spend time with it off... gradually increasing that time till she doesn't need it at all (they said about 7-10 days) and her next appointment on the 11th of April...

It's looking good though... much brighter than it had been for a while... NO fractures in her spine... more x-rays would have been taken today if her range of movement had of been better to check for ligament damage... so cross your fingers and toes and anything else you can cross that we get good news then too!

Now I have also been doing a bit of scrapping... getting pages completed for our French Trip books... two down already... I really like the smaller books they have more of a chapter feel about them... and it means more than one person at a time can check them out... always good!

Third has a few more pages left to go... and I have to say that using templates has helped in the speedier creation of the pages... kudos mostly goes to Suzanne of Roadside Designs at Two Little Pixels since they are pretty much all I have been using... though having said that I have used some of Tracy Little's PhotoArt BlogBoards as well... thinking outside the square so to speak and using them in ways not necessarily intended... though it sure makes it easy to show off lots of photos in one spot!

So anyway here are a couple more pages from our trip books... both at the gorgeous Chateau le Montellier... love that place...

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

So you know how sometimes good intentions go flying out the window? Well this is one of those times!!!

I've had every good intention of getting back here and posting... but there are times that real life just rudely interrupts... earthquakes, disruption and now more earthquakes in Japan! Seriously enough I think the world needs a holiday from crud like this happening for a while!

So I am gonna add some pages I have done recently... pages for the next chapter of our French trip... part one arrived in the post the other day… Very good mail day!

Chris and I in Arles

Miss D in Arles

Little monkeys at Pont du Gard

mmmm the Lolly Factory!