Monday, October 16, 2006

Okay so there we go, finally at last I have got the photo up that I promised to come back and show you last time! Isn't my big girl a clever girl? Okay so she didn't need to do much to set up the camera, NOTHING at all in fact since Chris H was responsible for that set up, studio lights, huge camera, huge lense, you know the whole shootin works! Oh and he helped her hold it as well since the whole shootin match weighed more than her! Well close anyways!

But she did all the directing! Mama I want you to do this, no not like that, like this! Okay so when she starts shooting the worlds top super models she is gonna be all ready to do it!

Yesterday (15th) was the D girls birthday, she's a big four year old now, only a year left before she heads off to school as well. Then what will I do? Anyway we had a little tea party for her with mothers group on the 11th, all these photos are from then. She had asked for a "Pegasus" cake please Mama. Mmmmm how does that go again? Couldn't quite pull that one off but did come up with a posie of flowers for her.

Remember if you click on these it will bring up a bigger image for you.