Thursday, June 24, 2010

So where did that week go?

I am at a loss as to where this past week has gone... I updated last what Thursday or Friday and since then the week has just sped right on by me...

Had the big girl home sick with a heavy cold last time I posted... she ended up home for the last two days of last week feeling miserable with the cold... she had perked up enough come Saturday to compete at the St John Cadets Competition... she was entered in the First Step pairs (leader for her two person team) ... and even though she was still struggling with the head cold she and her partner L... got a first place in their Healthcare Test and come Third OVERALL in the competition!!!!!!

Way to go Miss A and Master L... quite an achievement there... and Ellesmere as a team did pretty amazingly in all grades...

After a totally blob out Sunday it was back to the weekly routine... though that all kinda changed when Miss D woke up feeling uberly miserable with the cold she had caught off her sister... so nice to share things... shame it had to be a bug!

Anyway she ended up being home Monday ... should have known it was going to happen but by Tuesday I felt like a truck at hit me and just to make things fun... had backed up over me again a few dozen times to make sure I was well hit!

Yep you got it... the heavy cold the girls had struck me full on! But its a perfect excuse to stay tucked up inside and scrap or design... have done a bit of both which is good... can't share some of them with you yet though...
Enough all ready... looks like enough is not enough yet... as Chris is now full up with it too!

So there in lies my week...
and since I still feel like that dratted truck is taking swipes at me I decided a sale may be in order...
just cause I can! hee hee...
check out the ad below...
click on the image to be taken to my store...

AND yes the new releases are included...

Inspired by flags of the world who feature the ...

and Blue

Now I had also had a request or three for a certain alpha to come back...
well the good news it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack... slightly revamped...


Also don't forget that all purchases from my store this month put you into the draw for a $5 gift cert to my store...

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Blogger Jenny said...

Hope you're all better soon

2:39 PM  

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